受第十五届固体废物管理与技术国际会议(ICWMT 15, ) 主办方委托,胡敬平教授召集组织了 “废电池回收与污染控制”分论坛,分论坛将于2020年6月28日下午通过网络平台在线上召开,欢迎扫码报名免费参会。大会与分会将在巴塞尔公约亚太区域中心建设的培训平台网站(http://bcrctraining.edusoho.cn/)上, 进行网络直播。
本分论坛有幸邀请到伯明翰大学Dr Gavin Harper,华中科技大学杨家宽教授、北京化工大学潘军青教授、上海交通大学詹路副教授,他们将为大家带来如下精彩报告:
Dr Gavin Harper, University of Birmingham, talk:Recycling Lithium Ion Batteries from Electric Vehicles
会议征集与议题相关研究领域的论文(英文),会议接收的论文将收入《Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology》。投稿论文全文免收审稿费,欲参与论文评优工作,参评学生论坛证书的投稿者,需要缴纳专家审稿费及证书制作成本费800元。会议接收的论文将收入《Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology》,会议论文集不发表,论文集电子版收录在国家工程技术图书馆,不影响论文二次出版。评选出的优秀会议论文可推荐投稿至《环境科学与工程前沿》(Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering) (FESE)期刊(2018年影响因子:3.883)、Waste Management & Research (WMR)期刊 (2018年影响因子:2.105)、 或《中国环境管理》期刊(2018年影响因子:1.198)的专刊发表(是否采稿仍以期刊评审结果为准)。论文摘要和全文均请通过会议网站 在线提交。期待您不吝赐稿!

The 15th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology
Session:Recycling of spent batteries and pollution control (online)
Time: 2-5pm, 28 June 2020
With the growth of energy demand of human society, batteries, as a portable energy storage, play an increasingly important role in our society and daily lives. At the same time, the amount of waste batteries produced is also increasing, such as common Lithium ion secondary batteries and lead-acid batteries. Most spent batteries have significant resource attributes and are secondary resources that can be utilized. At the same time, battery recycling is also a huge market, and we must also pay attention to the environmental attributes of waste batteries. Improper disposal will have a huge impact on the environment, ecology and human health, and pollution control during the recycling of waste batteries has also received increasing attention. The purpose of this session (http://2020.icwmt.org/) is to provide a platform for the exchange of scientific research results and academic discussions, to stimulate innovative research, and to collaborate on the construction of an ecological environment in the field of retired battery recycling.
This session is consisted of the following talks:
Dr Gavin Harper, University of Birmingham, talk titled:Recycling Lithium Ion Batteries from Electric Vehicles
Prof. Jiahuan Yang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, talk titled: Hydrometallurgical Recovery of High Performance Batteries from Spent Lead Acid Batteries
Prof. Junqing Pan, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, talk titled: Research Progress on Clean and Recycled Lead Technology for Waste Lead Paste
Assoc. Prof. Lu Zhan, Shanghai Jiaotong University, talk titled: High-value Recycling of Zinc and Lead in Spent Batteries