Category Archive: Environmental electrochemical Technology 环境电化学技术

Feb 18

Microbial electrochemical Technology 微生物电化学技术

Microbial electrochemical Technology  微生物电化学技术​· 微生物电化学传感现 阶段对水体环境毒性物质进行的检测多采用非原位化学手段,时效性较差,成本高,需额外提供电源,难以实现实时监测预警。近年来,微生物燃料电池 (Microbial fuel cells, MFCs)作为一种将生物传感与电化学技术相结合的新型环境毒性“震动”传感器,为污水水质的在线监测提供了新的思路。废水中毒性物质可直接抑制MFC毒 性传感器阳极产电菌活性...

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Feb 18

Environmental electrochemical Sensing 环境传感技术

Environmental electrochemical Sensing  环境传感技术Electrochemical Environmental SensingAdvanced detection technology is the prerequisite of efficient environmental protection and pollution control. Fast, highly sensitive detection technology can not only protect the health of the public, but also of some significance for the study of impact of environmental pollutants exposure on human health....

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