« 环境学院FunMat课题组贺秀林同学喜获第七届储能会议优秀报告奖


December 29, 2013

Prof SC Tsang from Oxford Univ was invited to attend the East Lake Forum 牛津大学Edman Tsang教授访问环境学院并参加东湖论坛

EastLakeForum-Prof-Tsang-seminar-at-School-ESE-Dec2013 EastLakeForum-Prof-Tsang-seminar-Dec2013 EastLakeForum-with-Prof-SC-Tsang-Dec2013

Prof Edman SC Tsang from the University of Oxford was invited by Prof. Hu to to attend the “East Lake International Forum for Outstanding Overseas Young Scholars” between 27-29 December 2013. Prof Tsang presented a talk on “Development of Nanomaterials for High Performance Catalysis” in the forum, and presented a talk on “Tailoring nanosize carriers for applications” in School of Environmental Science and Engineering.

2013年12月27-29日,受环境学院胡敬平教授邀请,牛津大学化学系Edman Tsang教授访问环境学院并参加第二届国际青年学者东湖论坛。在参加完28日上午的东湖论坛大会开幕式及主会场报告后,28日下午参加了在材料学院举办的材料化学环境分论坛,做了精彩的学术报告“Development of Nanomaterials for High Performance Catalysis”。

29日上午9时,牛津大学Edman Tsang 教授在材料学院做了学术报告,“Tailoring nanosize carriers for applications”,学院部分师生参加了此次报告会。报告会上,教授学者们就师生们提出的问题进行了详细解答,现场讨论非常热烈。随后,学院领导与校人事处相关负责人与参会学者进行了沟通交流,介绍了学校人才引进政策。最后,学院领导陪同与会名学者参观了环境实验楼。